Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
检索类型为:Meeting Abstract


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2.文章检索类型为Meeting Abstract ,(本次刊物只接收短讯或论文摘要,作者投稿可直接投稿200字左右的论文摘要或短讯)

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18年3月15号上线刊出链接: 刊出的文章全部被SCI收录。


SCIMA1224-Medical Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning

SCIMA1225-Response of Rice to Elevated UV-B Radiation at Different Nitrogen Levels: Photosynthesis, Yield and Quality



Call for Papers:

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
一、基础医学       Preclinical Medicine
1.发育神经生物学 Developmental Neurobiology
2.临床应用解剖学 Essential clinical anatomy
3.免疫信号转导研究 Study on immune signaling
4. 肿瘤免疫 Tumor immunology
Study on etiology, epidemiology, pathogenisis of emerging infectious diseases.
6.寄生虫感染与免疫 Parasitic infection and immunity.
7.基因的表达与调控、基因组学 Gene Expression and Regulation, Genomics
8.蛋白质的结构与功能、蛋白质组学 Protein structure and functions, Proteomics
9. 细胞信号传导与调控 Cell signaling and regulation
10生物技术与生物产业 Biotechnology and bioindustry
11.肿瘤病因学与病理学  Etiology and pathology of tumor
12.肿瘤生物标志物与肿瘤转移 Tumor biomarkers and tumor metastasis
13.肿瘤治疗  Cancer Therapy
二、临床医学 Clinical Medicine
1.心脑血管疾病基础研究与临床研究 The Basic and Clinical Studies on Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
2.消化系统疾病的基础和临床研究 The basic and clinical reaserch of digestive system disease
3.皮肤病与性病的临床及基础研究 Clinical and fundamental study on dermatovenereology
4. 皮瓣的基础与临床研究  The experimental and clinical study of flap
5.电气电子工程技术在医学影像领域的应用及其新进展 Advances of electrical and electrnics technology in medical imaging
6.临床护理  Clinical nursing
7.护理教育  Nursing education
8.病原生物学诊断技术及方法 The diagnostic technology and method for patho-biology
9.疾病的免疫学指标及技术 The immunological indicator and technology of disease
10.血液病的诊断指标及技术 The diagnostic indicator and technology of hematopathy
11.临床生化检验及诊断 The clinical medical biochemistry inspection and diagnosis
12.检验生物信息技术 The clinical medical inspection bioinformatics
13.疾病的分子诊断 The molecular diagnosis of disease
三、现代医药与技术 Mondern Medicine and Technics
1.药物设计与药物发现 drug design and drug exploitation
2.药物分析与质量控制 pharmaceutical analysis and quality control
3.药理学和药物相互作用机制 pharmacology and mechanisms of drug interactions
4.药物安全性评价 drug safety evaluation
5.药物代谢 drug metabolism
6.药物制剂与释药系统研究 pharmaceutical preparation and controlled-release system research
7.生物技术药物biotechnical drugs
8.临床药学 clinical pharmacy
四、口腔医学 Oral and Dental Sciences
1.口腔颌面部肿瘤的临床治疗 Clinical Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Tumors.
2.口腔种植的临床应用Clinical Application of Oral Implant.
3.牙体病的基础和临床应用Basic and Clinical Application of Dental Body Diseases.
4.牙周病的基础和临床治疗Periodontitis of the Basic and Clinical Treatment.
5.口腔粘膜病的基础和临床应用Basic and Clinical Application of Oral Mucosal Diseases.
6.错牙合畸形的基础及临床治疗Basic and Clinical Treatment of Malocclusion.
7.自锁托槽的临床应用Clinical Application of Self-locking Brackets.
8.种植体支抗临床应用Clinical Application of Implant Anchorage.
9.口腔及颌面部各种缺损的修复治疗Repair Treatment of Various Oral and Maxillofacial Defects.
10.口腔修复与口腔材料的研究 Research on Prosthodontics and Dental Materials.
五、公共卫生 Public Health
1.传染病、慢性非传染病的监测、评价及防治技术与策略 Monitoring, Evaluation, Prevention Strategy and Control Technology of Infectious Diseases and Chronic Non-communicable Diseases
2.化学物毒理学机制研究及风险评估 Toxicological Mechanism and Risk Assessment of Chemicals
3.人群的合理营养与功能食品研发 Rational Nutrition of People and Research of Functional Food
4.食品的安全性评价与食品安全关键技术 Safety Evaluation of Food and Critical Technology of Food Safety
5.生产、生活环境健康有害因素的监测、评价与控制技术  Monitoring, Evaluation and Control of Harmful Factors in Environment
6.妇幼卫生保健医学研究与妇幼健康促进  Health Care Medicine and Health Promotion in Maternity and Child
7.放射医学的基础、临床及辐射防护中的标准与技术 Radiation Protection, Basic Research of Radiology and Clinical Application
8.精神卫生、健康教育与和谐社会建设 Psychological Health, Health Education and Harmonious Society
9.人类健康促进中的社会因素研究 Social Factors of Health Promotion
六、医学信息技Medical Information Technology

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Editor LEI
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